Mohamed Al-Fayed Obituary

Mohamed Al-Fayed, the Egyptian businessman and former owner of Harrods department store, has passed away. He was born on January 27, 1929, in Alexandria, Egypt, and died at his home in Oxted, Surrey, England.

Al-Fayed was a prominent figure in the world of business and a philanthropist who supported a variety of causes. He rose to prominence in the 1980s as the owner of Harrods, the iconic London department store, which he transformed into a luxury destination for shoppers from around the world.

Al-Fayed was also known for his involvement in several high-profile business deals, including his ownership of the Ritz Hotel in Paris and his unsuccessful attempt to purchase Fulham Football Club. He was also a member of the British House of Commons from 1994 to 1997, representing the constituency of Fulham.

Al-Fayed was a controversial figure, known for his outspoken opinions and his sometimes combative relationships with the media and politicians. He was particularly vocal in his criticisms of the British establishment, famously claiming that his son Dodi Al-Fayed and Princess Diana were murdered in a conspiracy involving the British royal family.

Al-Fayed was also a generous philanthropist, supporting causes such as medical research, education, and the arts. He donated millions of pounds to the Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children in London, which named its cardiac wing in his honor.

Al-Fayed’s death has been mourned by family, friends, and colleagues around the world. In a statement, his family said, “Mohamed was a beloved husband, father, and grandfather, as well as a visionary businessman and philanthropist. He will be deeply missed by all who knew him and all whose lives he touched.”

Al-Fayed’s legacy as a successful businessman and a generous philanthropist will continue to inspire generations of entrepreneurs and philanthropists. He will be remembered as a larger-than-life figure who left a lasting impact on the world of business and philanthropy.